
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Area and Perimeter

Y'all...what is it about this topic that is so hard. My cuties always struggle with this!  I have had this as my door decor since December (thus the folds and crinkles on some of the paper)! I thought...maybe if they see this everyday it will stick...

 Well...I was major wrong. We started this unit and I the proud, creative teacher stood at the front of my classroom and said.. "boys and girls, today we are going to learn about area and perimeter. Have you ever heard of it?' I stood back waiting for my students to say.."Yes oh teacher we see it on our door everyday"... You know what I got!? This....

So yeah...this is going to go well!!!!

Anyway I did what any good teacher would on pinterest and found some hands on activities for us to do! Like this one..Perimeter and Area Art!!! After we spent the week learning formulas and how to measure,  I wrote two perimeters on the board and an area. They had to decide how to get those. It was fun to see their little minds working and light up when they found out how to create them. I love how they are all different.

We also did this activity, Create your dream house. My kids were struggling with, How do you apply this to real life so we created blue prints for our dream house!! Some of the rooms were so funny!!!! It really brought out their personality and made them think! I hope one day they will have the chance to build their dream house in real life!! 

 This kid has my heart...put in a science lab!! LOVE IT!!!!

And that small little neon yellow deal...that is our TEK for this one. I always put the TEK in the hallway so when people are walking by they know why we did that activity. Also, the kids know that the things  we do have a purpose!! 

Have a great day!!!!

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